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Xcalibur100 • 2 years ago

Hunger Games begins with a sleep-deprived Romeo and Juliet twist..

Simp4Jessa • 2 years ago

Romeo and Juliet it's a romance history between two people, isn't it?

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

Romeo and Juliet is a big classic Shakespeare play

Serenity Lithae • 2 years ago

Technically it's a tragedy, not a romance. But people tend to romanticize it these days.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

it was a romance to die for

Dez Xerneas • 2 years ago

Have you read it? The play starts with Romeo saying that he can't live without his fiance(not Juliet). They both are like 15 year olds who've met once.

Definitely a tragedy that's been romanticized to hell.

Zackari Sebastian • 2 years ago

and then they both die.

Dez Xerneas • 2 years ago

In a pretty dumb way. Romeo would fit in perfectly with anime protagonists. He was dumb as hell.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

i haven't, to be honest. iirc the only play we read of shakespeare was the tragedy of macbeth, i think? went to school in germany, so we mostly read german literature.

so.. romeo and juliet is basically netorare that ends in snuff? yeah, .. that doesn't seem all that romantic anymore haha

Dez Xerneas • 2 years ago

Lmao not netorare. They probably do fall in teenager love. Like they know each other for 3 days. Some versions also make romeo like 20 and Juliet is 12, but I'm not sure if that's "canon". We were taught that the play is supposed to make fun of teens.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

i'm sure it was .. girls married very young in england till not that long ago.

i can see them making fun of romeo. not being able to live without his fiance. and killing himself 5 days later over another girl. that's indeed somewhat funny. but then again, he wasn't the teen of the both. and she was considered "of age" in the time.. so saying it was meant to make fun of teens is kinda weird. maybe adolescents?^^

did juliet have anyone else?

Dreamblade • 2 years ago

He killed himself because she had already killed herself. He faked his death but she didn't get the memo and thought he was dead for real, so she killed herself, then he woke up, saw she was dead, and then killed himself. This was after his best friend had been killed in a duel and he had just killed Juliet's cousin, and they were on the run from their families, so he wasn't in the greatest mental state at the time.

But anyway the word "teen-age" was invented in the fifties by LIFE magazine. (On the Gordon Wasson cover where they are also pushing magic mushrooms.) It was all part of the CIA's "Operation CHAOS" to destroy society, so people couldn't ever threaten the government because they were too messed up in the head.

This term "teen-ager" was pushed to damage society by creating a new group of people that would have a different culture than those younger and older than them, and to infantalize people long into their adulthood by making them think they were still too young to make life decisions. Previously people of that age were called "Young Adults", and would commonly marry and start families around that time in their lives. Latinos still celebrate quinceanera, their coming-of-age celebration for girls, at 15. Remember 100 years ago people were finished with school by 15 or earlier, so working and getting married were next on the list. Falling in love at 12 or 13 was normal. Now they tell people to not get married until after college, while of course trying to have a full time job. It's a societal plan that's meant to fail. Japan still remembers that people used to get married younger, which is why nearly all anime love stories are between teenagers.

And yes, the horrible people who wrote and pushed Romeo and Julet WERE making fun of the two protagonists. But they weren't making fun of TEENAGE love, they were making fun of ANYONE who falls in love. Rich and powerful people hate love, because it doesn't make them money.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

love doesn't make money? ever heard of the marketing stunt called valentines day? do you know how much money people make off jewelry cause of love and always have? and you do know what the oldest profession is, right? that's the next best thing right there.. since the best at their job are those that bind the customer to themselves emotionally and keep'em coming. ;)

and as far as i remember, it was juliet that faked her death, him that didn't get the memo and poisoned himself to die as well, then she woke up and found him dead, kissed him to have some of the poison too and then both were dead.

so what you wrote in the beginning was wrong, what you wrote at the end was wrong .. and what you wrote in the middle sounded wrong as well, so i didn't bother reading it all.

Dez Xerneas • 2 years ago

She has a fiance. But I think they're introduced to each other after Juliet is already married, so idk if that counts. TBH it's been like 5-6 years since I've read the play.

ANIMETOR • 2 years ago

so a blind marriage? hm .. nah, that doesn't really count. her case is more understandable than his haha

DesuYoda • 2 years ago

The play is set in Italy, with a strong pacifism undertone. Two families are engaged in a long blood feud, killing each other in fights in the streets. Two young teenagers, one from each family, fall in love. Spoiler: it is not a happy ending. It's worth reading or seeing, even in translation, because it's the basis for so many ridiculous tropes in English-speaking culture. It is still lovely English, at times. The most ridiculous trope is, that either sex constantly pines for the other "fantasy character:" their "Romeo" or (less frequently" their "Juliette,"while completely forgetting that both DIE at the end. (Sorry for the spoiler.) A funny joke was made on the Simpsons about it. Adapted to German Literature, it might be something like "I don't understand it! We started out like Siegfried and Brunhilde, but we ended in tragedy.😞" 🤣🤣🤣

Serenity Lithae • 2 years ago

I don't think they were sleep deprived nor were those normal under eye bags...
They normally sleep in the day because they're vampires, which is why they fell asleep there, but they didn't seem to be lacking in sleep beforehand (like they weren't up for several days or anything, since we saw them meet up that night). They said they were born with that complexion, so I think they just always have the eye bags since they're vampires.

As someone with really pale skin, the skin under the eye tends to be thinner so you can see the blood underneath easier which tends to cause a purple complexion in paler people. And if vampires in that world are undead, that'll definitely make it worse.

Bowser's Big Bean Burrito • 2 years ago

I’m sort of glad they went with “they’re being chased because they’re vampires“ instead of “it’s another Romeo and Juliet story.” Not only has the latter been done like 20 times over, but ffs it’s about a guy who immediately fell in love with a 13-year old girl the moment another girl broke it off with him and they decide their love is so pure they’ll die for each other

I’m surprised they didn’t order their beefsteak to be as rare as possible.

Constellation [Unknown] • 2 years ago

its addorable how they were trying to hide they were vampires, when the restaurant has dragons, demons, sage, etc for customere.

One Short Pause • 2 years ago

also while it looks like they used the thing about needing to be invited to enter so they bought food to be allowed in and not get hurt, but they were already invited by the magic since the a door appears to those that need it. and if we look at it for all these people from great famous warriors to renowned explorers, royalty from all kinds of places to famous mages and even primordial dragons to be gathered sound like they will be needed for a world changing event/disaster.

Dez Xerneas • 2 years ago

Yeah same. They probably don't want to publicize that they're vamps so that's probably the reason for that. Also, they probably don't know that cooking it like that is even possible.

Dreamblade • 2 years ago

"I'll take the most BLOOD RED wine you have!"

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

Did we REALLY need more Romeo and Juliet thought...
We got a sh***y anime adaptation on it last year, and that crap corporate made isekai got a sequel! And the hair.....God, have they NOT heard of hairbrushes?!

Archie Andrew's 1000 • 2 years ago

I prefer the Romeo and Juliet anime back in semi early 2000's

smileyklock • 2 years ago

Well they fit in with the way they are portrayed being that they are vampires. Unless you missed the subtle clues about not being able to leave the cave when the sun was out, wanting wine thats as red as blood and Romeo's larger then average fang

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

One, I got the hint.

Two, it's a joke.

Three, wasn't joking about the Romeo and Julier anime, Kimi to Boku no Saigo. It really WAS crap.

Hih0shi • 2 years ago

It's got a sequel coming out and I am very happy because I loved that show, they main girl was very cute

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

Except how many Romeo and Juliet adaptations have we seen?
We've got one from late 2018, and while it's nothing to write home about itself, I'll take Boarding School Juliet over that crapfest that is Kimo to Boku no Saigo everytime.

DesuYoda • 2 years ago

That one last year started out interesting, but turned into a big "WTF?"-fest about 3/4 of the way through. Ugh.

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

That's my problem with studio Silver Link, they ALWAYS pull crap like this with what we got in Kimi to Boku no Saigo.
Heck, ALL the anime they put out last year, Bofuri, Hamefura, this, and Misfit at Demon Academy, none of them are all that great, all got sequels. Kimi to Boku is EASILY the worst they put out last year.
And outside Non Non Biyori, and a handful of other shows, they don't have that great a resume, and they're not exactly that memorable either.

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Bro misfit of demon king academy was good for a light novel adaptation and it deserved a sequel also i think most of the anime you mentioned are light novels adaptation and they always receive mediocre adaptation as there is no guidance for the directors unlike the manga ones which have everything like art style, fight scenes and so on, and that's why the manga adaptation are always good

Noah Winns-Cromer • 2 years ago

OK, Misfit, despite being arguably considered fantasy trash by some, I can at least agree with you it DESERVED a sequel. Not exactly my first pick on any anime last year that deserves one, but I can see why it got one. Although considering Silver Link's ALSO the studio behind shows like Masamune-kun's Revenge, Kenja no Mago, and Chaos Child, to name a few, it's kinda hard for me to trust them on light novel adaptations. Or isekai for that matter....

However, I WILL have to disagree with you on how they "always receive mediocre adapations". That's my point, Bofuri, Hamefura, and Kimi to Boku no Saigo are terrible anime within their respective genres which we've seen FAR BETTER examples of, that frankly, I have NO EXCUSES for shows like those that barely even try, and I have zero patience for people that want to justify some BS. This is 2021 for God's sake, it's darn near past time y'all start raising your standards.

Bery roy • 2 years ago

Yeah i know LN also are receiving good adaptation like the jobless reincarnation anime, shield hero,slime anime,86 anime etc but they all had good story to back up with ,on the other hand kimi to boku story was just messy, the setting was messy so its actually hard to animate something like that into something so interesting like the above animes i mentioned as they already have a good story, so what i am trying to say is the story was itself not good for kimi to boku so that's why the anime adaptation was also not good

Burns • 2 years ago

I was about to throw hands because I thought you were talking shit about Boarding School Juliet lol. I wanna know what those anime you were talking about though.

i love the twist! 🤣🤣

Iceknight Magna • 2 years ago

It still bothers me that they ate good stake steak without first brushing their teeth.

Snarf • 2 years ago

you brush your teeth before eating? doesn't it taste weird?

Iceknight Magna • 2 years ago

Well...yeah I brush every morning. I mean, they did spend all night before they found the restaurant.

CorvusCorone68 • 2 years ago

ironic you should spell it "stake", considering they're vampires

Iceknight Magna • 2 years ago

Damn! I just noticed that.

UncleMoe • 2 years ago

They were really close to turn sunaaa.

Guest • 2 years ago
Anime & Rutabagas • 2 years ago

Looking at them made me tired lol

Romeo and Juliet: Tired of everyone's BS

Zackari Sebastian • 2 years ago

Romeo and Juliet: 2021

Just a fellow weeb • 2 years ago

Is it just me or is Fall season 2021 Vampire season

it is spooky season after all.

Bitfroste Seigeheim • 2 years ago

When they said those lines. I have a feeling they pretty much healthy and fine despite being a tired looking, sleep deprived non-human.

RAWRRR • 2 years ago

Remember kids, if you wanna elope get some rest first

Sisconnkid • 2 years ago

Shareef knows he really wanted to stay longer.